Thursday, February 5, 2009

Info Online Conference and Blogs

After attending parts of the Information Online 2009 Conference in Sydney and talking to a number of other delegates, I have been recharged to look at LBBs (Library Based Blogs) in a complete new light. We are all thinking along similar lines, and churning over similar thoughts and concerns, and the majority of us arrive at the same point with the same wall of concerns.




All I can say after my varied discussion, and listening to some very interesting presentations, is to decide to step back, take a deep breath and just do it. Should the LBB fail - pull it and start another. Should it work, go with it and enjoy the ride. And should I/You/We be unable to keep content control - let it go and remember that at anytime we can take control back be deciding whose Blog will be listed and whose will not appear. CENSORSHIP. In this day and age of technology we have to practice a version of our enemy that allows ideas to develop and flourish, but protects all who use our Blog and view our Blog.

At the end of the day we have to remember that "Ideas can be transported using many methods and methodologies, if we maintain the integrity of our Blog the ideas planted by us and others and watered by those we may never know of see, will grow and positively affect others in ways we may never know or have envisage."

But before all of this we must chose to start, and why not start with the best we can do. Remember we are surrounded by our co-workers, who when joined in a communal activity are capable of producing great things - look at you local Library Services. These are the products of a TEAM, all we need to do is to transfer that TEAM focus to an online services that is not only an extension of current Library Service, but is an extension of the TEAM personality with all the mix that that implies.

At the core of our LBBs we should remember that no-one learns in isolation and no ideas grow without care, affection and pride. We are Information Professionals, and LBBs are after all is said and done, just another access point for information seekers to meet information profressionals - thats us!

Enough of ranting at this hour of the night - but after I have organised my thought and notes I will return.