Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Library Thing Plus

So I have become addicted to Library Thing. I have only placed about 50 books so far - so many to go.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Library Thing

Great Great Great idea. Love it.

Easy to use, beats having to create and database etc. Got a little carried away added 25 book. I was happy to see that I was not the only person with these titles except two titles. Lets see what happens some more of my books. But this must wait awhile.

Exercise for Library Thing - Done.

So come visit me at My library.

del.icio.us Week.

This week we had to investigate del.icio.us (whoever came up with this address has not only a wicked sense of humour, but has great word skills). Anyway back to the task at hand. this is done. del.icio.us account created and bookmarks added. so please visit me at Sorvad - see you there? Setting this up was a lot easier thant I had anticipated. Simple instructions, clear pages and easy to use.

On we go. The potential for using del.icio.us in the Library world will be only be limited by OUR imagination. Reading Groups, Thematic Bookmarks, HSC Bookmarks. All possibly linked to Blogs or other social pages. As I said we should release our imagination and play and grow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Original Britney S.

This is an artist called Twinkle from 1964 with her hit Terry. A teenage biker song, love, leaving and death.

Cher Videos - Then and Now.

It's amazing what a few years, make-up and plastic surgery can do for a persons career.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lane Cove Resident

I know we were told not to include the faces of anyone in our photos at Flickr, without their permission and with regard to their privacy. But in this case I could not resist. This was taken a few weeks (during the daylight hours) ago near part of our disjointed library. We are working out of two locations while our new library is being built.


I do not know if there is such a word as Wikiian/Wikiians, but then again there was no such word as Wiki a few years ago!

If this word takes off I claim the credit for inventing it???

Two Dr Who Videos from YoutTube

Wikis with Will

This week we are starting to look at Wikis. I found the article about the German language version of Wikipedia interesting, shows how involved people can become when they are given open ownership of information combined with the responsibility of maintaining the correctness of that information.

OK it's Discover Time.

I looked at the Wookieepedia. Firstly I found the play on names highly witty and interesting. I was taken by the ownership and forward looking of the creators and Wikiians. (I can not think of a nother name for them/us.) A great collaborative venture. This type of Wiki could be used by Librarians as an extension of Book Groups or Study Groups. This setup would allow Wikiians to create a world in which the characters they read about grow and develop, while at the same time encouraging "readers" to expand their ways of thinking, absorbing text, plot lines etc, and developing a group approach to study and though processing.

Next I looked at Library Success: a Best Practice Wiki. I liked the inclusiveness of this Wiki. It's goal to be "a one-stop shop for great ideas and informtion for all types of librarians" I though was abit high, but it appears to be what it set out to be. I especially liked the inviation/request of adding your own user profile page. this is a great way of building a community. I think this has abvious library uses - as outlined in the name. (If only I could get an RSS feed from there it would be magic.)

Thirdly I looked at Book Lovers Wiki. As the names suggest a community Wiki for readers and their discussions, reviews etc on what books they are reading, or have read. Highly applicable to libraries as a means of sharing information about what books are hot and why or what books are not hot and why. Could also be used as part of the Who Writes Like, or even for creating booklists etc. As I said a few lines up highly appplicable and usable by libraries. An extension for New South Wales Libraries could be HSC Text Readers Wiki as a means of promoting cooperative discussion about texts, movies poems etc. One worth looking at a little deeper I think.

Local History and Genealogy are other areas where Wikis could easily be applied as part of the Library program and presence in the community. Then Local Studies/History would truly be opened to the world for comments, photos, gossip etc that may not have otherwise been available. Would Local Studies/History be a bigger and more living part of World Studies/History?

At a local Level I can see a Wiki with a title like:

Lane Cove - Local Studies.
The World Looking at Our Suburb.

But that is for another day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

RSS Workshop

This weeks exercise was looking at the functionality and uses of RSS. When you step back and think about it, RSS is a highly useful tool and one that is easy to use.

Five of the RSS feeds I selected are:

Powerhouse Museum - Photo of the Day: This sites presents an everchanginh view of Sydney and other cities, with unusual aspects and details.

iTunes Top 25 Songs: Where else can you get a list of the top songs available at one of the best music shops on the web.

Library Stuff: I selected this feed as a work based tool and one that presents a diverse selection of information worth looking at and thinking about.

Accidental Hedonist: This sites name says it all.

Star Wars: What else can I say - but I am a child of the movies.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Austro-Hungarian Imperial Arms

Found this great image @ Flickr.

The best description I can give of these arms are (left to right shields):

1. Shield toped with the Crown of Rudolph II.
1. Galacia nd Lodomeria.
2. Bohemia.
3. Dalmatia.
4. Silesia.
5. Salzburg.
6. Moravia.
7. Tyrol.
8. Bukovinia.
9.i Vorarlberg.
9.ii Unknown.
9.iii Gorizia and Gradisca.
10. Bosnia.
Escutcheon of:
i. Lower Austraia.
ii. Upper Austria.
iii. Styria.
iv. Carniola.
v. Unknown.
Escutcheon of:
i. Austria - Modern.

2. Shield topped with a Royal Crown.
1. Habsburg.
2. Austria - Modern.
3. Lorraine.

3. Shield topped with Crown of St Itsvan of Hungary.
1. Dalmatia.
2. Croatia.
3. Slovenia.
4. Transylvania.
5. Bosnia.
6. Fiume.
Escutcheon of:
i. Hungary - Ancient.
ii. Hungary - Modern.